Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fenway: A Fascinating First Century

Bauer, David, ed. Fenway: A Fascinating First Century. New York: Sports Illustrated Books, 2012. Print.
image from:

My Thoughts
As one of my life-long goals is to see Fenway, this book was very exciting to read. Well, there actually isn't too much text---a few essays from Sports Illustrated writers and many photo captions.

The opening pages explain the history of the ballpark (It opened April 20,1912.) and how through the years it has survived demolition, renovation and the curse of not winning pennants. Then the book is broken into a timeline that includes historical events along with the happenings of the park and players that took the field.

The pictures are amazing! It was fun to read about players who once donned the Red Sox jersey and to see the park evolve with the changing times. As many of the essays were written before this book was compiled, the predictions and exclamations made by the writers and players are an interesting piece of history (and fun to see if they came true).

The cutest thing was at the end of the book in the chapter entitled "Little Fenways." Here, the editor compiled various examples of Fenway replications, including a Lego ballpark. Cute, cute, cute!

The last pages of the book are 100 factoids and tidbits related to Fenway Park. Super interesting, especially for the stat loving fan.

I'm leaving tomorrow to see this majestic field. This book absolutely put a spark in my heart, and I can't wait to compare the images from the book to the live stadium!

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