Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Literary Guide to Flannery O'Connor's Georgia

Gordon, Sarah. A Literary Guide to Flannery O'Connor's Georgia. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2008.

Plot Summary
This is not a work of fiction.

My Thoughts
I bought this book at Andalusia, Flannery's farmhouse home, on my first trip there. What a great reference book for me. The next time I go to Georgia, I will try to spend more time in Milledgeville and look around. Reading this book helped me visualize where Flannery spent her time, not only at the house, but points of interest in town (some places not still standing). The text is informative but not dense. The pictures capture more than I was able to collect during my short visit. I'm happy that I picked this book and hope that I remember to take it with me on my return trip.

Side note: I read this coming home from Atlanta. If I'd been paying attention when purchasing the book, I would have realized the tour guide at Andalusia was the consulting editor of this book. D'oh! I missed an autograph opportunity.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Rolling

Jackson, Neta. The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Rolling. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007.

Plot Summary
This is the sixth installment of the story of twelve diverse women who meet at a Christian women's conference because they are assigned to the same prayer group. When tragedy befalls one family, the group acts beyond the limits of the conference to become the Yada Yada prayer group. When tragedy finds the main character Jodi, she realizes just what this sisterhood of prayer partners means to her. She grows in her faith and her own Christian understanding. Not everyone experiences the same life, even if they live in the same town or attend the same church.

My Thoughts
I'm a bit sad reading this book, because I think it's the last in the series. I've grown fond of these women and look forward to seeing what's in store for them next. I am intrigued as to how these women deal with adversity and grow their faith. Jodi questions God, as I often do, but the Voice inside us both says, "My plans are not your plans. Be alert; My Spirit is moving. Think of the possibilities" (Jackson 287). Jodi often goes off trying to do things her way, when she realizes that sometimes it's hard knowing what is the Holy Spirit and what is her own wishes (Jackson 348). Whew! I know about that struggle!

As Avis explains one night, "Each one of us...finds herself in both roles--running the race of faith, and encouraging each other when we falter" (Jackson 372). I do not have an official Yada Yada group, but I do have friends that help my run my race.

I'm going to miss the Yada Yadas.